Koin Liquidity
Koin Liquidity
Creating a currency designed to be transacted


A liquid cryptocurrency designed to promote circulation


Why use Koin

Other cryptocurrency models experience speculation bubbles; we created a currency meant to be used.

Other cryptos are designed to allow private accumulation of capital. Combined with a media environment focused on speculation, this has resulted in extremely high volatility in value for these cryptocurrencies and a decreased usefulness as a currency for economic activity.

“private accumulation of capital is the root cause of many of society’s ills”

Based on the work of Silvio Gesell, German theoretical economist, we designed a cryptocurrency that devalues over time—unless you transact it.

“Only money that goes out of date like a newspaper, rots like potatoes, evaporates like ether, is capable of standing the test as an instrument of exchange of potatoes, newspapers, iron, and ether” – Gesell

This mechanism disspells the greedy pathologies associated with cryptocurrency while promoting its usefulness for society: a liquid, decentralized currency capable of reducing friction in the economy.

By building koin on top of the Ethereum smart contract platform, we’re planning to partner with over 200+ banking systems worldwide and are building a developer community to integrate Koin into their applications and platforms.


Our team

Secure, scalable & decentralized

By building on top of the Ethereum blockchain and looking ahead to Ethereum 2.0, we can leverage an already-existing community and solutions around building secure, scalable cryptocurrencies. We plan to initially build on top of the XDai sidechain allowing for low-fee microtransactions in an in-person setting. This will allow us to build experiences accessible and understandable to all. By building a new economic model and incentives on top of already successful projects, the stability and reliability of our platform can be guaranteed.